Di and the Volcano

It’s always fun to have mainland visitors: I usually take some time off and visit all the beaches, museums and parks that we just don’t get around to visiting during the rest of the year.

And restaurants!  For years we have driven past the Magic Pan Crepe place in downtown Hilo.  Always saying….”we ought to try that place out!”  So yesterday, after we visited Rainbow Falls, then Boiling Pots, then Kaumana Caves, we did.

Our lunch crepes (filled with cheese and chicken and veggies) were very nice. But Di’s dessert, the Volcano, took the cake (snort…). A  chocolate crepe, formed into a funnel filled with ice cream, topped with cherry rocks and white whipped cream lava flowing down the side.  It was a shame to destroy it with a spoon.

Di destroys the volcano

Di destroys the volcano

But she did!