Malay Apple (Mountain Apple) Pickles

Malay Apples are called Mountain Apples here in Hawaii, and it is thought the first Polynesian explorers brought seedlings with them when they inhabited these islands. They are apple shaped with deep red or pink skins. The white flesh is similar to a pear. And they are in season now. “What should we do with all these?” asked DH.

“PICKLES!” I said. (I have no idea why that popped into my head….but pickled they were. And they are wonderful! (Pears, apples, peaches, grapes would also work…..)

6 lbs of malay apples, sliced and cored

8 cups sugar

2 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

2 cinnamon sticks and 1tbsp whole cloves, bagged into cheesecloth

1 1/2 cup water

Mix the sugar, water and cider in a large pot. Add the bagged spices. Bring to a rolling boil. Remove the bagged spices.

Put the prepared fruit slices in prepared canning jars, cover with hot liquid.

Boil in canning bath for 10 minutes.

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