The MixMaster

It took my breath away. Walking down the aisle of the antique show I glanced toward the booth where it sat, and its gleaming yellow and chrome called to me. I froze in mid-stride. In the words of former President Jimmy Carter, “I lusted in my heart.”

Gathering my resolve, I walked away, only to turn around ten steps later and walk back to the booth to hold it, caress it. My husband watched, slack-jawed as I paid for it and watched the booth attendant carefully pack it away- the mixer, stand, and perfectly matching yellow and white bowl.

What had gotten into me? I was at a loss to explain it then, but now I see it, sitting stately on the kitchen counter, the yellow blending with the striped wallpaper, contrasting nicely with the frosted oak cabinets..and my memory fades to visions of my father mixing cookie dough and blending batter for crepes on Christmas morning, and I see my mother mixing Boston Brown Bread.

Mom died in 1984, Dad lives two thousand miles away, and we communicate mostly by email. Brother and sister are far away, and the family home was razed years ago. The MixMaster evokes thoughts of home, family and comfort.

2nd Thessalonians 2:16-17: “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.” God is never far from us, His dwelling place is always in our hearts, giving us comfort and succor, and sometimes we need a MixMaster to bring it home.